Monday, March 5, 2007

Ups and Downs of R + J

Romeo and Juliet was very hard to me. If you were to read the book and read it for the 1st time it's like picking up a spanish book and reading it. For me to understand one line required for me to read the line over and over again. It was a very complicated story and I actually didn't understand it until someone explaned it. Having to do all that just took all the joy out of reading the book. The movie was alot more clear to me but i still didnt like it. it was boring and I just looked at it as a learning experience, not a joyful experience. The whole book was about a 15 year old boy and a 13 year old girl who couldnt wait long at all before they got married. They had to get married right then and there. Then they killed themselves over it even thought they had only knew each other for only 4 days.
On the positive side it didn't take long and it broadend my Vocabulary. It made me think about how to interpret life and what mistakes not to make.

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